The New Leadership Pulse
In 2003 we started an experiment in learning - we called it the Leadership
Pulse. The idea hatched at the University of Michigan (when I was on the
faculty) to take the innovations we developed at eePulse, Inc. to a larger audience.
a partnership with the University of Michigan Executive Education program, we
started doing quarterly pulses with the alumni who went through their programs.
We blended two new ideas to make this offering unique and useful to people who
1) Personal diaries and reflective learning
most survey work, you participate and then wait a long time to get
feedback. The person running the survey closes the survey, reviews the data, analyzes the data, and writes up a report. In 2003 (and still today) our eePulse
technology had the unique feature of providing every individual survey taker
with a personal report. We did this because we were the first company (that we
found) to start using pulse technology with companies as frequently as weekly. What we quickly learned was that if you expect
people to answer your questions frequently, then they need something in
exchange, and we opted to provide new learning. Back in 1996 we
developed personal reports for our survey participants; when surveys
closed, rather than waiting around for a report, every
respondent could log in and see their own scores vs. benchmark data. We
provided information on how to use the data for their own development.
2) Data on employee energy at work
in 1996 I started a large research study on employee energy. Thus, in addition
to a series of other topics studied, in every pulse we collected data on
employee energy. These series of studies helped us improve and continue to
validate the work on energy. We found over the years that frequent measures of
employee energy PREDICT important individual and organizational outcomes.
Energy fluctuates a lot more than other attitudinal metrics, thus, studying
variance and the gap between working energy and optimal energy provides key
metrics for prediction and performance.
energy and reflective learning for leaders and you get Leadership Pulse
continued the Leadership Pulse, trending energy and adding questions on several
different themes. Over the years as my career changed, I moved the project
to the University of Southern California's Center for Effective Organizations (CEO). With this team the Leadership Pulse
has evolved.
put the overall body of work on hold for a couple of years while I took on a
new job and took some time out to rethink and improve.
a few weeks you will get an email about the new Leadership Pulse, and I hope
you join us in this new learning opportunity. We're taking what we
learned over the years and giving the Leadership Pulse an upgrade.
are building on the self or reflective learning, adding new technology
including digital badges and we are focused on making the process more useful
for leaders and soon-to-be leaders who want to improve their skills.
continue to work with the University of Southern California's Center for
Effective Organizations, and with that team of thought leaders we provide
insights and contributions to help our members learn. As we continue, you will
see other universities and thought leaders joining our team, and this overall team will provide better connections, new insights,
and real-time and relevant learning.
Join Leadership Pulse 201 - remodeled, rethought and moving
learning forward.